Cast "^0" uses castmembers from an internal cast of movie "^1". This is not supported.
Cast "^0" uses castmembers from an non-existant internal cast of movie "^1".
Cast "^0" uses castmembers from an internal cast of movie "^1", but we found an external cast instead.
This request cannot be completed because cast "^0" has not been saved. Would you like to save it now?
Cast "^0" uses castmembers from an internal cast of movie "^1", which is not loaded. The current movie's cast will be used instead.
Too many nested go to movie commands in startMovie handler
Problem connecting to "^0"
Error while disconnecting
Unsupported URL variant "^0"
Invalid URL "^0"
Connection timed out: "^0"
Authentication failed for file: "^0"
Problem connecting to proxy server
Internal network error
URL not found "^0"
Could not complete this operation because of a problem using an Xtra.
Could not complete this operation because an Xtra is missing.
Internal file system error.
This movie contains an on enterFrame, on exitFrame, or on new handler attached to a sprite. These handlers had no effect in previous versions of Director, but will run now. If this creates a problem, please refer to the readme.txt file for details.